Hosted Application

Fulcrum Impact

Business experiment evaluation made easier, faster, and more accurate

Fulcrum Impact is a first-of-its-kind product that allows companies’ own data science teams access to make intervention measurement significantly more efficient, accurate, and repeatable. By providing a repository of code, analyses, and reporting templates, it enables disparate teams to effectively generate faster insights for better decision making.

Easy Installation

Easy installation and built-in 20 hours a month of Fulcrum technical support

Export Templates

Customizable Templates for data preparation and analytical reports in PPTX, HTML and more formats

Analysis Repository

A database of past evaluation parameters, code, and results for benchmark comparisons


An easy to navigate guided methodology-selection tool and semi-automated models

Like no other solution on the market

Increases Consistency

Provides a repository for storing and reusing feature, analysis, and reporting configurations

Increases Efficiency

Automated, easy-to-use methodology modules, and is configured to easily refresh analyses as new data becomes available

Increases Effectiveness

Pre-built reporting module that can compare saved analyses and exports seamlessly to PowerPoint, HTML, Excel, and Dashboards

Empowers Organizations

Check early and often for the emergence of intervention downsides, to manage risk, and make decisions faster